At DeepWater Church we believe that generous living is one of the identifying marks of a heart that has been transformed by Jesus Christ. God's most loving and generous gift to us was his only Son (John 3:16). Jesus was himself generous when he gave his life as a ransom for sinners (Mark 10:45). So, when we give we do so as an overflow of the generosity we have already received.

We also believe that generosity shouldn't be simply a one-time emotional response. Rather we make it our goal as disciples of Jesus to give regularly, sacrificially, and joyfully knowing that doing so allows us to participate in the ongoing mission of God to make all things new again in Christ (Rev. 21:5).

Finally, we believe that the means by which God has chosen to accomplish this mission is the local church. DeepWater Church relies on God working through the generosity of those who faithfully invest in our mission to be a faith family passionately pursuing Jesus and loving the island and beyond.


ONLINE: You can give one-time or recurring gifts securely online, using your checking account, debit, 

or credit card by clicking the GIVE ONLINE button above.

BY MAIL: You can also give by sending your personal check to:

DeepWater Church, P.O. Box 144, Isle of Palms, SC 29451

If you have any questions about giving, please contact our finance team - give@deepwaterchurch.cc