Missions - 'Loving the Islands & Beyond'

Loving Beyond - Our partnership in the dominican republic

Starting in September 2019 DeepWater began a partnership with Food for the Hungry.  Through our partnership with FH DeepWater is able to share the Gospel as we participate in child sponsorship and mission trips.  

Our partner community, Los Botados, and as you see in the picture (center above) it is located on the western part of the Dominican Republic.  The city has approximately 1,200-1,400 residents with 92% of households in overall poverty and 6% in extreme poverty.  There are local churches present in Los Botados and our partnership will help strengthen these local churches and the community.  

By partnering with FH we will walk alongside families, church leaders and community leaders to create solutions for overcoming life-threatening poverty.

So how can you get involved?

Step 1 - Pray for Los Botados

Step 2 - Sponsor a child from Los Botados
This is a $40 a month commitment, but a very tangible way to begin to love this community. Once a year we highlight child sponsorship for 3-4 Sundays, but you are interested now, please see the contact email below. (Currently DeepWater families are sponsoring 40+ children.)

Step 3Apply for participation in a mission trip to the D.R.
It is our desire to take mission teams to Los Botados to serve the community and share the Gospel. While in the community there are various ways we plan to minister and serve, including but not limited to children/teen ministry, construction, prayer-walking, medical outreach, and trainings for educators/moms/church leaders. See a recap video here of one of our trips.

Current trips schedule are for January 16-22,2025 - if interested in participating - Complete this application

Would you like more information on one of the above steps? Email paul@deepwaterchurch.cc

Loving People, Locally

We love our city.  It is our belief that God designates a church to a specific place because he desires for his people to be a blessing and to share his Good News.  Isle of Palms and Sullivan's Island are our focal areas to be a light for Christ and so we focus much of our missional outreach to these islands.  However, we continue to seek God as he shows us how to make an impact in the greater Charleston area. Please see some areas of local mission below.

  • Monday Missions - serve alongside a sister church (First Baptist Mt. Pleasant) to prepare and serve a meal in downtown Charleston to those in need. While there team members talk to and encourage folks, some times pray and help distribute free clothing or groceries.
  • Involvement in Sullivan's Island Elementary School - teacher lunches & encouragement, volunteering at events
  • Involvement in Isle of Palms Recreation Department - sponsoring teams, faith family members coaching teams, participating in community events
  • Involvement in local events - hosting booths at festivals, volunteering at charity events, throwing large parties in the local park with free food and fun
  • Sponsoring community prayer services in collaboration with other island churches
  • Provide monthly financial support to a church plant in Summer's Corner (outside Summerville)
  • Provide monthly financial support to East Cooper Community Outreach and participate in grocery bag Sunday
  • Supporting Lowcountry Pregnancy Center with twice-yearly donation drives

If interested in more information on any of the above opportunities, please email info@deepwaterchurch.cc and state your local mission interest.