Get involved in D-Groups

We were made to be a part of the faith family!  In fact, we are committed to being a multi-generational faith family that like the early church in the book of Acts, is authentic, which is more than hanging out with each other.  It’s being hospitable and loving to each other, laughing & celebrating, hurting & mourning together, having accountability among believers, growing spiritually and engaging in friendship.  At DeepWater the best way to be a part of the faith family is to be a part of a D-Group.

Locations, Days, Times

As a faith family, it is important to connect during the week to share our lives together. D-Groups are the best place to get connected to go from rows to circles and do life together. Ready to dive in? Check out the options below and click the sign-up link to let that leader know!



Thursday Mornings | St. Mark's Church, IOP | 7:15 - 8:30am


Wednesday Mornings | Kim Strickland's Home, SI | 9:30 - 11am

Thursday Evenings | Suzy Kopp's Home, IOP | 6 - 8pm


Monday Evenings | The Coleman Home, Mt. P | 6 - 7:30pm

Tuesday Evenings | The Gill Home, Mt. P | 6 - 7:30pm


Sunday Afternoons | St. Mark's Church, IOP | 4:30 - 6pm

*Childcare provided


Sunday Afternoons | The Newton's Home | 4:30 - 6pm

Sign-up for D-Groups!

Our DeepWater Groups (D-Groups) balance fellowship over food, Bible discussion, and life-on-life connection. Our desire is to see everyone grow in Christ, build life-giving relationships, and share their faith with others.  

All ages are invited to be a part of a d*group!

Children - Sunday mornings during our DW Kids Ministry our children spend time in small groups discussing the lesson and praying.

Students - 6th-12th - Wednesday evenings during student ministry our students will break up into smaller groups.

Adults - Groups meet during week days, please see below for more info.