Will YOU Help Support DeepWater?!

God is at work on the Isle of Palms and DeepWater would like to invite you to be a part of the movement.  Starting and growing a church is an adventure that takes much prayer, team preparation, strategy, financial support and the faith that God will provide.  

This page is a way for us to welcome friends, family, brothers and sisters into this church planting vision.  

Truthfully, we need your help to support DeepWater Church!  We have now launched our services, 

but we are still in need of folks to help us as we grow as a young church.

Please see the below videos that highlight our start in the Fall of 2018 and some powerful moments.  Additionally, please see below for ways that you can join in and support God's work through DeepWater Church.


Ways to Support DeepWater

1. PRAY – 

Join our email Prayer List which comes once or twice a month.  Click to sign-up for our update list & here for our prayer list

2. INVITE – 

Know someone who lives on or near the island and is looking for a church? Please share about DeepWater! We

are on Facebook or you cant send them to our website —those are two easy ways to spread the word.

3. JOIN –

Live on the IOP, Sullivan’s Island, Mt. Pleasant or close by & interested in joining a new work? We would love

to talk more with you about joining this new church family!

4. INVEST – 

We invite you to invest your God-given resources back into His mission by helping us plant this new faith

family that will passionately pursue Jesus and deeply love the island and beyond.

About The Financial Need

As stated above, starting a new church takes bold faith and trust.  The leadership of DeepWater is asking the Lord to pour out his grace and generosity, so that DeepWater Church can be an instrument for life-change on the Isle of Palms and beyond.  The Isle of Palms is a unique location to plant a church, because when you are on the island it seems like people have everything they need and more.  However, as it says in Matthew 16, "what is that a man profit the whole world, but lose his soul?" - there are many on the island that have much as it relates to possessions and beautiful views, but do they have Christ?

Currently DeepWater is blessed to have financial support from three different sources: sending organizations, individual outside givers and the DeepWater faith family.  This fiscal year (July 1 2019 - June 30 2020) approximately 40% of our budget will be provided by our sending organizations (The Church at LifePark & South Carolina Baptist Convention) and from year to year this support will diminish.  As our congregation grows we pray that the DeepWater faith family will become financially self-sustaining.  Our goal is that in our third year this will be a reality.  In the meantime we are VERY THANKFUL to those who give to this work, particularly individual outside givers.  

Each church plant has a unique set of challenges and one of ours is the size of our budget because of our local context, which is one of the most expensive places to live in the state.  Raising significant financial support is one of our unique challenges, but God is faithful and he provides for his work, we know that to be true.  Thank you for considering how you may partner with us in our mission.


*Some places your gift could benefit: 


- $250 provides weekly donation to host church

- $1,500 for Christmas (2019) mailer inviting neighbors

- $2,000 to kick-off partnership with Food for the Hungry in Dominican Republic

 - $100 to provide a spot for a student on fall retreat

- Funding to help support our four staff members: full time pastor, part time worship minister, part time children's minister & part-time next generation ministry
*If you're interested in helping fund the cost of a position for part of the year, 

please use email address below to get more information.


Giving Options:

1. Monthly Giving - the online giving button below provides a monthly giving option - thank you for your consistent gift!

-- $25 a month (300 year)         -- $50 a month (600 year)         -- $100 a month (1,200 year)

-- $175 a month (2,100 year)    -- $250 a month (3,000 year)    -- $500 a month or more

2.  One-Time Gift - the online giving button below provides a one-time gift options - thank you for your generosity!

*You can view our most recent update letter which was sent August 2019 to past & current supporters here. 

Thank you so much for your willingness to financially invest and give to DeepWater - we are so thankful and we praise God for you!  Your gift will be used to further God's Kingdom and make an impact with the Gospel to the Island and Beyond.  A gift to DeepWater is tax-deductible and you will receive a giving receipt via email after you give and after years-end in December.  If you have any questions, please email give@deepwaterchurch.cc